
We will tag and upload a release to PyPI according to the Roadmap.

Steps to prepare a GLAMkit release:

  1. Merge all features to be included and ensure that tests pass and code operates as it should.

  2. Ensure documentation and Changelog is up to date. In particular, edit the changelog so that major features appear first and are written such that users understand the benefits. Update the Roadmap to reflect current status.

  3. In git, tag the release with the version number.

  4. Activate the pypi virtualenv and login to devpi using the password:

    workon devpi && devpi login ic --password={{ secret }}

    (see below for setting up the devpi virtualenv.)

  5. Upload a develop version of the package:

    python --version && devpi upload

    or release an official version on Pypi:

    devpi push django-icekit==<version> pypi:ixc

Private Package Index

We have a private, caching, on-demand mirror of PyPI (running devpi) that we can use to publish private packages.

It is available over HTTPS with basic authentication, plus a few whitelisted IP addresses for convenient access.

To install devpi:

mkvirtualenv devpi
pip install devpi-client django

Version numbers

We use setuptools_scm to get the version number directly from the version control system, which makes versioning part of the release process instead of being part of the development process.

and outdated at the next commit. Yay!

You can preview what the version number will be, before you build and upload:

python --version

The version number will be one of:

{tag}                                # no distance and clean
{tag}+d{YYYYMMDD}                    # no distance and not clean
{tag}.post{N}+n{commit}              # distance and clean
{tag}.post{N}+n{commit}.d{YYYYMMDD}  # distance and not clean

We use semantic versioning ({major}.{minor}.{patch}) when tagging releases.

  • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
  • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

For patch-level changes, you can forget about adding a tag and just use the generated version number. When uploading to a public index (PyPI), you must tag the release because public indexes may not accept packages with local version identifiers.

Release announcement template

The Interaction Consortium is pleased to announce the new release of GLAMkit (, the open-source CMS for the cultural sector, used by ACMI, SFMOMA and others.

Version [x] features […]

Full details can be found in the release notes at .

Get GLAMkit

To install the development version of GLAMkit, see the instructions at .

Help improve GLAMkit

Like every open-source project, GLAMkit relies on people to help contribute ideas, features, code and issues. If you wish to suggest improvements, please add them to the project’s GitHub issue tracker: .

User guides and documentation can be found at: .

About GLAMkit

GLAMkit is a next-generation open-source CMS by the Interaction Consortium (, designed especially for the cultural sector. It’s used by SFMOMA, ACMI, MCA Australia, and the Art Galleries of New South Wales and South Australia, among others.

GLAMkit has rich Events, Collections, asset management and storytelling tools for teams of content professionals in public-facing institutions, supported by a powerful content publishing framework. Everything is written in Python, using the Django framework.