Search ====== GLAMkit uses Haystack with an Elastic Search backend for its onsite search. It comes with a simple SearchIndex, ```` which works well on content that: - Implements the ``ListableMixin`` for getting list content - Uses fluent contents (having a number of rich content placeholders) - Is publishable (the index queryset defaults to ``objects.published()``) - Is polymorphic (the ``django_ct`` value always matches ``get_model()``, rather than varying by the object being indexed. GLAMkit's default content models use this index: - Page (including LayoutPage, ArticleListingPage, etc.) - Article - Author And in optional libraries: \* icekit\_events.EventBase \* icekit\_press\_releases.PressRelease \* glamkit\_collections.WorkBase \* glamkit\_collections.CreatorBase \* etc. ``AbstractLayoutIndex`` renders the ``search/indexes/icekit/default.txt`` template which indexes ListableMixin content, all Fluent placeholders, and some common content fields. You can render a different template in your search index by redeclaring the ``title`` field. HTML tags are stripped and HTML entities are converted to unicode. Rebuilding the search index --------------------------- The management command (provided by Haystack) `` rebuild_index`` will repopulate the ElasticSearch index with all documents. Similarly, `` update_index`` will repopulate the ElasticSearch index with only documents that need to be re-indexed. Automatically updating the search index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The task ``icekit.tasks.UpdateSearchIndexTask`` updates the search index, and is configured to run every 15 minutes in ``settings.CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE``. For more information, see :doc:`/topics/celery` Using ``AbstractLayoutIndex`` ----------------------------- As minimal example, create ```` on a publishable, ``ListableMixin`` model: :: from haystack import indexes from import AbstractLayoutIndex from . import models class MyModelIndex(AbstractLayoutIndex, indexes.Indexable): def get_model(self): return models.MyModel Publish the content you want to be indexed, then run `` update_index``. Search Page ----------- The ``icekit.page_types.search_page`` page plugin implements a search page. To use it for your site, create a search page, and preview/publish it.