More about Docker ================= GLAMkit is Docker-compatible, and we recommend using Docker for development and deployment. Docker has many advantages over a simple Python virtualenv environment: - It eliminates the "works on my machine" problem by exactly reproducing an identical runtime environment everywhere. - It eliminates the need to install and run service dependencies directly on your OS, such as Elastic Search, PostgreSQL, Redis, etc. - It eliminates the need to install library dependencies directly on your OS, such as libjpeg, libtiff, etc. - It provides easy continuous deployment and rolling deployments on Docker Cloud via auto redeploy when a new image is built. - Much less (if any) downtime during deployments, because Node modules, Bower components and Python packages are already installed in the image. Getting started --------------- If you haven't already, install Docker: - `OS X `__ - `Linux `__ - `Windows `__ The typical Docker workflow is: - Define the image build instructions for each service with a ``Dockerfile``. - Configure and manage a collection of services with a ``docker-compose.yml`` file. - During local development, mount your source directory into containers for rapid iteration without having to rebuild images. Useful Docker commands ---------------------- Here are some of the most commonly used Docker commands when getting started. Rebuild images for all services in your compose file:: $ docker-compose build --pull Start all services in your compose file:: $ docker-compose up Stop all services in your compose file:: $ docker-compose stop List all containers for services in your compose file:: $ docker-compose ps Open a new shell (``) inside an already running container for the ``django`` service:: $ docker-compose exec django Remove all exited containers and their volumes:: docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -f status=exited -q) Remove all dangling images (not tagged or used by any container):: docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q) Remove all dangling volumes (not used by any container):: docker volume rm $(docker volume list -f dangling=true -q) Remove ALL containers, images and volumes, to start from scratch:: docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) docker rmi $(docker images -q) docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q) Docker Cloud commands --------------------- The following commands can be run on a terminal in GLAMkit's Django `docker cloud`_ container. First run `` bash`` to set up the environment. Debug server ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run Django's debug server on a cloud container, for debugging:: $ stop all $ Then when you've finished and Ctrl-C exited runserver:: $ start all .. _data-dumps: Data dumps ~~~~~~~~~~ Dump a database, encrypt it, and upload to the service, then delete the local copy:: $ pg_dump -O -x -f ~/dump.sql && cat ~/dump.sql|gpg -ac -o-|curl -X PUT --upload-file "-" && rm ~/dump.sql Then on the destination machine, to download and decrypt:: $ curl [ url] | gpg -o- > dump.sql Erase the current database if necessary:: $ dropdb $MYPROJECT_develop && createdb $MYPROJECT_develop Finally, load the data:: $ psql < dump.sql $ rm dump.sql Uninstalling a GLAMkit project from Docker ------------------------------------------ Delete all containers with a name matching ``{project_name}``:: $ docker rm $(docker ps -a -f "name={project_name}" -q) To delete the associated images, run:: $ docker images #list all images and for each image you want to delete:: $ docker rmi {image id} If you are running other GLAMkit projects, then you only need to delete the image that starts with ``[project_name]`` - the other images will be used by other projects. To remove all "dangling" images (untagged and not referenced by a container):: $ docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q) Finally, remove the project folder.