.. The following also appears in README. Keep synchronised. Installing and running ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The recommended installation method uses Docker. Docker works on OS X, Linux, and Windows, takes care of all the project dependencies (e.g. database, search engine, web server, etc.), and makes :doc:`../deploying/index` easy. If you're not ready to use Docker, see `Manual Installation `_. Otherwise, if you haven't already, `install Docker `_. .. include:: /install/_new_project.rst 2. Run the project ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Build a Docker image:: $ cd {project_name} $ docker-compose build --pull Run a ``django`` container and all of its dependencies:: $ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports django This will give you a shell inside the Docker container. Create a superuser account:: bash$ manage.py createsuperuser Run the Django dev server:: bash$ runserver.sh 3. That's it! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Open the site in a browser:: http://{ my_project }.lvh.me:8000 When you're done, exit the container and stop all of its dependencies:: bash$ exit $ docker-compose stop