Glossary of terms ================= .. TODO: merge with concepts, turn off ordering. .. glossary:: Content model See :term:`Rich content model`. Content type See :term:`Rich content model`. Rich content type See :term:`Rich content model`. Rich content model A Django model that defines one or more placeholders that allow term:`content plugin`s to be used, for example "Page", "Press release" or "Event". Content item A Django model that represents a 'block' of content that can be added to any rich content model, for example "Text", "Image", "Embedded Media". Content items are related to rich content models by a generic foreign key, using the ``fluent-contents`` approach. Content plugin A class that registers a content item in GLAMkit which specifies how it is to be rendered in a given context and how it is edited in the admin. GLAM Short for Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums, used by some members of those institutions to refer to public cultural/collecting institutions as a whole. ICEkit ICEkit_ is the engine that runs GLAMkit (actually GLAMkit is just an extended set of settings and requirements on top of ICEkit). ICEkit is a basic CMS toolkit, designed for teams of content professionals. ICE isn't officially short for anything, but if it was, it would be "Interaction Consortium Editorial". .. Placeholder .. Layout .. Page .. Collected Content Editor A person who uses the CMS admin system to edit content. Publisher A person who publishes content once it has been edited. Rich content A sorted list of term:`content plugin` items.