Code and commit style --------------------- Git branching ============= We are using the `Gitflow `__ branching model. Basically: - The ``master`` branch contains stable code, and each commit represents a tagged release. - The ``develop`` branch is an integration branch for new features, and is merged into ``master`` when we are ready to tag a new release. - New features are developed in ``feature/*`` branches. Branch from `master`, and create a pull request when you are ready to have a feature branch merged back into ``develop``. The `SourceTree `__ app (OS X and Windows) has built-in support for Gitflow, and there is also a collection of `git-extensions `__ for command line users. Code style ========== It's important that we adopt a consistent code style to minimise code churn and make collaboration easier. - Follow the :doc:`/architecture/conventions`. - Follow `PEP8 `__ for Python code, unless there is a good reason not to. - Install the `EditorConfig `__ plugin for your preferred code editor. GLAMkit comes with an ``.editorconfig`` file which indicates which formatting defaults to use for different file types.