Setting up a new project from source, with Docker ================================================= You can run the included project template inside the repo, without first creating a project from the template. Get the code:: $ git clone $ cd django-icekit Run a ``django`` container and all of its dependancies:: $ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports django Run the tests:: bash$ Create a superuser account:: bash$ createsuperuser Run the Django dev server:: bash$ Open the site in a browser:: http://localhost:8000 When you're done, exit the container and stop all of its dependencies:: bash$ exit $ docker-compose stop Running multiple containers --------------------------- Only one container can bind a fixed service port on the host at a time. If you want to run a second container, for example to run tests in while running the Django dev server, you will need to run it with a different fixed port or a dynamic port:: $ docker-compose run --rm -p 8001:8000 django # fixed: 8001->8000 $ docker-compose run --rm -p 8000 django # dynamic, check with docker-compose ps Run without Docker ------------------ If you don't want to use Docker, read :doc:`../install/manual-install`.