Changelog ========= We improve GLAMkit every day by releasing new features, squashing bugs and improving test coverage and documentation. This document describes those changes. .. note:: For contributors - use plain English where the feature is user-facing - use past tense to describe actions ('renamed' rather than 'rename'). Reserve present tense for describing current state ('GLAMkit now includes...'). - document backwards-incompatible changes in its own section - before release, group and summarise features by category In development -------------- - Add optional setting ``PUBLISHING_ENABLE_AUTO_PUBLISH`` to automatically and immediately publish publishable items when they are saved in the admin. To automatically publish all publishable items in the system, set to ``True`` .. code-block:: python PUBLISHING_ENABLE_AUTO_PUBLISH = True To automatically publish specific publishable models, provide a tuple or list of model dot-paths. For example: .. code-block:: python PUBLISHING_ENABLE_AUTO_PUBLISH = [ 'icekit.page_types.layout_page.models.LayoutPage', ] - Add API endpoints for GLAMkit Collection models Artwork, Film, Game, Moving Image, Organization, and Person. - Make API endpoints available at ``api`` subdomain by default using ``django_hosts``, as opposed to being available at the ``/api/`` URL path under the standard domain. - New ``WritableSerializerHelperMixin`` and ``WritableRelatedFieldSettings`` make it easier to construct writable API serializers with nested and related fields. - New ``PolymorphicHyperlinkedModelSerializer`` and ``PolymorphicHyperlinkedRelatedField`` to support hyperlinked model serializers for polymorphic models. - ``ModelSubSerializer``: Add write support, and improve display of nested fields in responses so misleading prefix is no longer included. - New ``EXTRA_API_ROUTERS`` setting for pluggable API endpoint routers. - Autogenerated Swagger/OpenAPI docs. - Updated GLAMkit Collections to use new EDTF fields and automatically derive EDTF date from plain text date. - Remove unpublishable variants of the main GLAMkit models as keeping them is not worth the maintenance overhead or chance for confusion. - Add new Advanced Events Listing page type at ``icekit_events.page_types.advancedeventlisting`` with generic and powerful tools for filtering the event occurrences shown on a listing page, both within the CMS and with on-page filtering options. - ``events_tags.date_range`` is now smart enough to remove year and month from date formats. This behaviour can be overwridden by specifying named formats in your ``formats`` module with ``_SAME_YEAR`` and ``_SAME_YEAR_SAME_MONTH`` appended. When the event has finished, " (ended)" is appended to the date range. - Minor performance improvements to Events links, reducing database queries. - Renamed URL endpoints for Page and Image APIs to singular: */page/* instead of */pages/* and */image/* instead of */images/* - Added roadmap documentation. Backwards-incompatible changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - icekit_events, icekit_press_releases, glamkit_collections and glamkit_sponsors are now merged with the main ICEkit repository and do not need to be installed or enabled separately. The only library name change is that ``press_releases`` is renamed ``icekit_press_releases``. - the corresponding ``icekit`` and ``glamkit`` settings files are no longer needed. 0.17 (2017-04-30) ----------------- This release is all about the APIs. Well, mostly. - GLAMkit now supports IIIF 2.1, for privileged users. See :doc:`topics/iiif`. - Fleshed out Image model with more metadata and fields to cover rights/usage. - We added the ``icekit.api`` application to provide more consistent RESTful APIs to read data from, and sometimes write data to, content in GLAMkit. - The public-access and read-only API for published pages is in the new app location. - There's a new authenticated-access and permissions-based API for images. - See documentation in :doc:`topics/apis`. - Overhaul of search system, using a consistent approach to index and depict rich/publishable/polymorphic models, and to facet on them, using ElasticSearch. - Documentation is refactored into ReStructuredText. This means much more coherence, and the ability to generate documentation from within code. Also documentation focuses on GLAMkit rather than ICEkit to align with current development focus. We also made some UI improvements: - Bootstrap is included in backend and front-end by default. - Improvements to Events admin and calendar. The overall calendar remembers its settings, and now each event has its own calendar. - New workflow dashboard panels for Recent Actions and Assigned To Me. - Better Date/Time/Datetime widgets in Admin forms - Preview pages are now visually highlighted, and have a different HTML title. - "Preview draft" button is now near "View published" button. - Page Admin no longer replaces the change_list table with a tree. We've kept it as a table to keep all the bulk-edit and filtering/sorting goodness. And some content model changes: - "Slideshow" is now renamed "Image Gallery" and there is a new Image Gallery content plugin available (which renders a grid of thumbnails into a lightbox). - Added ``icekit.workflow`` application to associate, manage, and filter workflow state information like status and user-assigment for arbitrary models. - Workflow features are added to all publishable models in ICEkit using the new abstract model mixins and admin base classes mentioned below. - ``icekit.content_collections`` app which defines an abstract listing page type that lists a collection of content, and an abstract model for collected content that appears in such a collection. This is a common pattern. - New ```` app which models a content author and a listing page, based on the ``content_collections`` pattern. - New ``icekit.page_types.article`` app which is a concrete implementation of the content collections pattern. - New ``ContactPerson`` model + and plugin added, allowing adding of staff contacts to most types of content. - Verbose Name for "o embed with caption" is now "Embedded media" - Text plugin now has a style setting And some under-the-hood changes: - Added ``ICEkitContentsMixin`` and ``ICEkitFluentContentsMixin`` abstract classes in ``icekit.models`` to use as a base for models that will include publishing and workflow features. - Added ``ICEkitContentsAdmin`` and ``ICEkitFluentContentsAdmin`` admin classes in ``icekit.admin`` as bases for admins for models with publishing and workflow features. - Refactored ``icekit.admin*``, ``icekit.dashboard`` and ``icekit.utils.admin`` to ``icekit.admin_tools`` in preparation for admin consolidation and extension. Previous classes, templates and functions are deprecated. - A new setting ``ICEKIT['DASHBOARD_SORTED_APPS']`` to manually group models in the list below the dashboard panels. Models that aren't manually grouped are grouped by their apps as normal. - ``WorkflowState`` gets a ``datetime_modified`` field to support new dashboard panels. - ``raw_id``s have previews and edit links if the admin subclasses ``RawIdPreviewAdminMixin`` (which ICEkit's default admins do; note ``InlineAdmin``s do not need this subclass). If the linked object has a ``preview()`` method, it is used for the preview, wrapped in an 'edit' link. - New ``PreviewAdminMixin`` which calls an object's ``preview()`` method. The existing ``ThumbnailAdminMixin`` now inherits from this class and consequently, models which use ``ThumbnailAdminMixin`` have a visual preview in ``raw_id`` fields, including ``icekit.plugins.image.Image``. - The "icekit/admin/fluent_layouts_change_form.html" template has moved to "admin/fluent_layouts_change_form.html". Please update your references. - Renamed the GET parameter used to trigger and permit preview of draft pages to be 'preview' instead of 'edit'. The legacy 'edit' parameter name is still supported. - Changed the way that we specify the homepage: create a page with url override `/`. This is the way fluent does it. As a fallback, we look for a page with slug `home`. If you mount pages under a page with override URL and slug, the child pages inherit the override URL, making the page tree more natural. - Provided default Localization formats. - Ignore ``.env`` and ``docker-cloud.*.yml`` files, which frequently contain secrets that should not be committed. Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``DASHBOARD_FEATURED_APPS[]['models']`` is now a list of tuples, not a dict, so that ordering is preserved. Dict-based definitions still work, but operations that rely on the value being a dict (such as ``update()``) will fail. - ``AbstractLayoutPage`` now includes ListableMixin and HeroMixin. All models which inherit from this will need a new migration. - The initial migration for ``icekit.plugins.slideshow`` had the wrong database table name, which meant that the ``0004_auto_20160821_2140`` migration would not have correctly renamed the database table when upgrading to ``>=0.10`` from an earlier version. To fix this, run the following SQL manually: :: ALTER TABLE "slideshow_slideshow" RENAME TO "icekit_plugins_slideshow_slideshow"; If you have yet to upgrade from ``<0.10``, you don't need to do anything. - ``icekit.articles`` is no more. Functionality is moved to ``icekit.content_collections``. - ``icekit.dashboard`` has moved to ``icekit.admin_tools``. - The ``FEATURED_APPS`` setting has moved to ``ICEKIT['DASHBOARD_FEATURED_APPS']``, and the ``['models']`` values are now tuples of 2-tuples, not dicts, so as to support item ordering. ``update()``ing the default settings no longer works, use tuple operations instead. - Added ``HeroMixin`` and ``ListableMixin`` to ``LayoutPage`` and ``Article``. This will break ported/subclass models that define similarly-named fields. Either remove the definition or migrate data. - The required version of Press Releases removes the ``PressContact`` model, in favour of ``ContactPerson``. If you have ``PressContacts``, you will need to migrate to the new model. 0.15 (2016-09-27) ----------------- - Improvements to publishing to make it accomodate more types of content. - Fix bug where the content items and placeholders associated with a fluent content model (other than a page) were not included in the published copy. - Provide ``icekit.publishing.models.PublishableFluentContents`` and ``icekit.publishing.admin.PublishableFluentContentsAdmin`` as base classes for fluent content models and admins, to help keep things DRY. - Minor docs on testing. - Greater test coverage. Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Import model mixins ``FluentFieldsMixin``, ``LayoutFieldMixin``, and ``ReadabilityMixin`` from ``icekit.mixins`` module instead of ``icekit.abstract_models``. - Import admin mixin ``FluentLayoutsMixin`` from ``icekit.admin_tools.mixins`` module instead of ``icekit.admin``. 0.14.1 (2016-09-26) ------------------- - ICEkit gets a facelift. Content editing now looks cleaner and easier to scan. Reordering items is animated, meaning it's easier to keep track of what got moved. - Improved Image controls, optionally including a title in the caption. - ``alt_text`` is no longer required - some images don't provide content that is useful to users who can't see them, though the ``alt=`` attribute is still always included in HTML. - Fix a bug where looking for ``help_text`` in a placeholder slot that had no manual configuration raised a 500, resulting in no layout data found. - Fix fatal error (typo) in ```` script. - Update ``.editorconfig``, and add to project template. - Tag Docker images during build on Travis CI for release versions. 0.14 (2016-09-20) ----------------- - Update the recommended method of running projects via ``Docker`` and ```` to provide a more consistent and familiar experience for developers. Old: :: $ docker-compose up # Run all services and log to stdout (no interactivity) $ docker-compose exec django # Shell into running `django` container to run interactive processes New: :: $ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports django # Start dependant services and shell into a new `django` container The benefits are that: 1. We start with an interactive terminal in which we can any number of interactive processes in a familiar way. 2. It's much easier and quicker to stop and restart the main process (e.g. the Django dev server) without having to stop and restart dependant services. 3. We aren't overwhelmed by several screens of log output from all the service dependencies. 4. We don't start a WSGI process in a non-interactive ``django`` service, then have to shell into the container to stop it and replace it with an interactive one. - Use different locations for ``PYTHONUSERBASE`` (via Docker) and virtualenv (via ````) directories, to avoid conflicts. - Isolate the ```` BASH shell from user's personal ``.bashrc`` and ``.profile`` files to avoid conflicts and unexpected behaviour. - Validate that manually installed dependencies are available when run via ````, and fail loudly. - Call ```` by default when ```` is called without arguments, to mimic ``docker-compose run ... django`` default behaviour. - Improve the ```` script: 1. Use a database name derived from project directory and Git branch. 2. Restore ``test_initial_data.sql`` instead of ``initial_data.sql`` before running tests, so ``initial_data.sql`` can be used for development. 3. Only run and report on project tests when run in a project context. - Improve detection of ``*.sql`` file vs source database to restore when creating a database. - Don't clobber the version of ICEkit installed into the base Docker image when building a project image. - Avoid failing test builds when Coveralls fails to push its update. - Add an authors app. - You can now define ``help_text`` for a fluent placeholder in ``FLUENT_CONTENTS_PLACEHOLDER_CONFIG``. - Improved ``ICEkitURLField``, which uses correct ``Page`` queryset. Backwards incompatible changes: - The default command for ``django`` service now starts an interactive shell instead of ```` (which starts Nginx and Gunicorn). Use the new ``docker-compose run --rm --service-ports django`` command to shell into a new ``django`` container and then manually call ```` or ```` instead of ``docker-compose up``. - The ```` script is now executed via the ``ENTRYPOINT`` instruction in ``Dockerfile``. You don't need to explicitly include it as an argument to ``docker-compose run ...`` commands or in ``docker-compose.yml`` services. - Move Node modules and Bower components out of ``icekit`` package and into project template for simplicity and greater visibility. Add ICEkit dependencies to your project ``bower.json`` and ``package.json`` files. - Remove ``django-supervisor``. We are now using Supervisor directly because it uses a lot of memory and is slow to invoke the whole Django machinery just to render a ``supervisord.conf`` template before starting Supervisor. Define additional services in ``docker-compose.yml`` and a Supervisor config file (referenced by the ``SUPERVISORD_CONFIG_INCLUDE`` environment variable) or shell scripts to run additional processes interactively. 0.13.1 (2016-09-14) ------------------- - Refactored templates so as to only use bootstrap markup when layout is intrinsic. Improved markup for some, particularly quote and OEmbed. - Added instructions covering uninstalling a docker project. - Installation improvements. - Thumbnail configuration should now be specified in settings, not templates. 0.12 (2016-08-30) ----------------- - Make project run more consistently without Docker (via ````). - Refactor docs to provide better onboarding. - Fix intermittent cache related test failures. 0.11 (2016-08-29) ----------------- - Serve Django with Nginx/Gunicorn under Supervisord, to buffer requests, facilitate large file uploads (500MB), and take full advantage of multiple CPU cores. - The ``SITE_PORT`` setting now represents the public port that the site is listening on (Nginx), not the WSGI process (Gunicorn). - Use ``initial_data.sql`` dump to bypass old migrations on first run, not only when running tests. - Use wrapper scripts for program commands, so we can run programs consistently in Docker containers of via Supervisord when not using Docker. - Expose private ports (e.g. Gunicorn, PostgreSQL, Redis) to the host on a dynamic port during development. - Update the ``Site`` object matching the ``SITE_ID`` setting in a post-migrate signal handler with the ``SITE_DOMAIN``, ``SITE_PORT`` and ``SITE_NAME`` settings. - Run celery programs via Supervisord when not using Docker. - Configure Docker and non-Docker environments to be more similar so we can use more of the same scripts to run. - Don't use Redis lock to avoid parallel setup when not using Docker, on a single server. 0.10.2 (2016-08-25) ------------------- - Run tests in a Docker image on Travis CI and push to Docker Hub on success. - Test the same settings module in Docker and Tox. - Fix broken tests. 0.10.1 (2016-08-24) ------------------- - Speed up tests by restoring a database with migrations already applied. - Fix broken tests. 0.10 (2016-08-23) ----------------- New: - `#3 `__ Include a Django project with ICEkit, making it easier to run in development, need less boilerplate code, be less likely to diverge over time, and easier to keep up-to-date. - `#4 `__ Make content plugins "portable", making it easier to fork and customise them for a project. Backwards incompatible changes: - Make content plugins `portable `__. You will need to run an SQL statement for each plugin manually to fix Django's migration history when upgrading an existing project. :: UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_brightcove' WHERE app='brightcove'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_child_pages' WHERE app='child_pages'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_faq' WHERE app='faq'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_file' WHERE app='file'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_horizontal_rule' WHERE app='horizontal_rule'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_image' WHERE app='image'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_instagram_embed' WHERE app='instagram_embed'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_map' WHERE app='map'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_map_with_text' WHERE app='map_with_text'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_oembed_with_caption' WHERE app='oembed_with_caption'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_page_anchor' WHERE app='page_anchor'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_page_anchor_list' WHERE app='page_anchor_list'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_quote' WHERE app='quote'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_reusable_form' WHERE app='reusable_form'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_slideshow' WHERE app='slideshow'; UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_twitter_embed' WHERE app='twitter_embed'; 0.9 (2016-08-11) ---------------- - Initial release.