Working with rich content ========================= This section contains an in-depth discussion of the architecture and design decisions behind GLAMkit's enterprise-level tools for working with content. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: rich-content-models content-plugins listable content-collections publishing workflow page-trees-and-mptt Debugging tip - finding what view is used ----------------------------------------- In an ecosystem as rich as GLAMkit's, it can often be confusing to figure out which view is rendered by which URL. To track this down: 1) Try: show_urls which lists all the URL patterns with their corresponding view. 2) If the URL is covered by a non-obvious catch-all, then it's probably a ``Page``, as they can be mounted at any URL point. The URL for a ``Page`` is normally its slug concatenated with the slugs of its parents, but Pages can specify any URL as in ``url_override``. You can see if a Page matches by running:: UrlNode.objects.get_for_path(url) and then look at the ``page_type_plugins`` file; for the Page model to see what Plugin is used. The ``get_response()`` method of the plugin is the view. 3) As a last resort, enable ``debug_toolbar`` and review the list of templates to see what is being rendered, and search the codebase for the template name to see where it is used. However, note that ``Layout`` objects store the template name in the database. If you see a ``layouts`` path in your template name, there is a chance that it's specified by a ``Layout`` object. In that case, look in the ``Layout`` object's properties (or its admin) to determine which kinds of content can use that layout.